Author of the series: How to Become a Successful Beta Reader
Creator of the course: Beta Reading Academy
Freelance Editor
Crazy Book Junkie
This workshop is for you if you want to learn how to grab your fiction-reading habit by the horns and make it a little more interactive!
If you're an avid reader and come away from a book thinking it'd be great to engage with the author while the creative process is happening, if you've picked up a thing or two in all your years of reading and think you could offer valuable feedback to writers but aren't quite sure how to go about it, if you'd love to have dibs on a book before it even hits the editor's desk, consider becoming a beta reader!
I started off my author services business with beta reading. Holy moly is it fun! Beta reading is an easy and incredibly fun way to get your foot in the door with self-publishing authors, who by the way are some of the busiest folks on the planet these days!
But no one shares with the average bear exactly how to beta read, how to navigate a work-in-progress and craft constructive feedback from a fan's perspective, whether that be a fan of the genre or a fan of the author.
I'm Dedrie Marie and I teach the never boring, fascinating art and skill of BETA READING fiction. If you'd like to learn how, sign up below for my free workshop. It's easy peasy, all comes via video right to your inbox, and did I mention it's free? Sign up now!
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