Southern Gothic Writer of Mystery|Suspense|Thriller
Author of Upcoming Series: Southern Lore—The Tales of Elemdale
Dark and unapologetically twisted, her books are fast-paced with the intention of creating intense emotional engagement—and are hopefully different than what you've read before. The setting is the broken and beautiful South. My characters are deeply flawed. But who isn't? They are human after to speak.
The overall genre is Mystery/Thriller/Suspense, housed in the disturbing, dark, and twisted shroud that is Southern Gothic.
Southern Gothic literature sets out to expose the myth of old Antebellum South and its narrative of an idyllic past hidden by social, familial, and racial denials and suppressions. It is a genre of Southern writing that focuses on the grotesque. It may contain some supernatural elements, but often more realistic flawed characters and settings. The genre was inspired by Gothic writing, which began in the 19th century with Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne.
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